"The Boy Who Dared" is written in the first-person point of view from the perspective of the protagonist, Helmuth Hubener. This allows readers to intimately experience his thoughts, emotions, and experiences during World War II Germany as a young resistance fighter against the Nazi regime.
The Boy Who Dared was created in 2008.
Susan Campbell Bartoletti wrote The Boy Who Dared.
Susan Campbell Bartoletti wrote The Boy Who Dared.
it is a boy
The conflict in The Boy Who Dared is the Nazis coming to power.
The Boy Who Dared was set during WWII.
The Boy Who Dared is not a made-up story. It is a true story.
The Boy Who Dared takes place in 1940s Nazi Germany.
The Boy Who Dared is a fictional biography of a time that was very important to history.
He is a boy
Helmut is the boy's name.
Susan includes a list of bibliographies at the end of her book The Boy Who Dared.