A knight's most prized possessions are his sword, for offense, and his shield, for defence.
A knights most prized possession was his Suit of Armour, that recognized him as a noble to any oncoming travellers. Just saiyan!
The most prized possessions of Barbie depends on the character Barbie is pretending to be.
obles most prized possesions
His tools would be his most prized possessions.
Their sword.
The Smithsonian Museum has Many worldly Possessions.
Athena had several possessions, her most prized possessions were her wisdom and the way she fought...hope this helped(:
Thomas Jefferson gave almost all of his most prized possessions to friends and the University of Virginia. His land was given to a grandson. He also gave freedom to his two remaining slaves.
Their Symbol or Charter of their Order
Della's most prized possession was her hair and Jim's was his watch.