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"piled on top of one another, like a cemetery covered with snow" pg 99

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12y ago
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15y ago

Yes, there are many in the book. Here are 3. 1.) "We wished the feast were over, so that we should not have to play this comedy anymore." (pg. 8) 2.) "On the seventh day of Passover, the curtain rose." (pg. 8) 3.) "One day when we came back from work, we saw three gallows rearing up in the assembly place, three black crows." (pg. 61) Hope this helps!

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6mo ago

Yes, there are similes in "Night" by Elie Wiesel. One example is when he describes the smoke from the crematorium chimneys as "a thick and black asphyxiating curtain." This comparison helps convey the Horror and suffocating nature of the concentration camp's atmosphere.

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15y ago

page 1-"he was as awkward as a clown" ps- it is a great book!

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12y ago

Yes on page 3, " He was as awkward as a clown." There are many more.

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13y ago

yes there is u just have 2 find it :)

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11y ago

Yes there is

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Q: Is there any similies in Night by Elie Wiesel?
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Is there any imagery in the book Night by Elie Wiesel?

yes. read it

Are there any holocaust survivors?

Yes there are a few... Elie Wiesel is one... He wrote a book called Night, and its very informational!

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Elie Wiesel was an independent thinker and did not align himself with any political party. While he held strong humanitarian and ethical beliefs, there is no definitive record of his party affiliation.

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The men built a signal fire upon leaving camp to guide any latecomers to their location in "Night" by Elie Wiesel.

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One of the best known is: Elie Wiesel, Night Others include: * Primo Levi, If This is a Man (also published under the title Survival at Auschwitz) * Jean Améry, At the Mind's Limits: Contemplations by a Survivor on Auschwitz ... * Fania Fénélon, Playing for Time

What are examples of diction in the book Night by Elie Wiesel?

In "Night" by Elie Wiesel, examples of diction include stark, somber, and starkly descriptive words that evoke the horror and despair of the Holocaust. Wiesel's choice of words such as "night," "silence," "darkness," and "death" creates a haunting atmosphere that conveys the bleakness of the concentration camps and the loss of humanity experienced by the prisoners.

How accurate is Night by Elie Wiesel?

"Night" by Elie Wiesel is generally considered to be an accurate account of his experiences during the Holocaust. While some minor details and timelines may be debated, the overall events and emotions described in the book are widely supported by historical evidence and other survivors' accounts. However, like any memoir, it is important to consider the author's perspective and possible limitations in memory or interpretation.

How did the book Night by Elie Wiesel change America's view on the Holocaust or does ayone know any sites where I can find the before and after Night views of the Holocaust?

Are you sure that the publication of Night in English (in 1960s) had such a far-reaching effect? Before the late 1960s the Holocaust was not widely discussed. It was known, of course, but generally talked about as the worst of a whole number of Nazi atrocities. It did not have anything like its current significance. I don't think the sea change can be attributed to Elie Wiesel, though he played a part.

In the book Night by Elie wiesel what happened if the guards caught you not running on the move to Gleiwitz?

If guards caught someone not running during the forced march to Gleiwitz in Night, they would be beaten or even killed. The SS guards showed no mercy towards those who faltered or showed any sign of weakness during the march. Elie Wiesel describes the brutality and terror of this experience in his memoir.

Why is night a common noun?

The noun 'night' is a common noun because it is a general word for any night.A proper noun is the name of a specific person, place, or thing; for example:M. Night Shyamalan (Indian-American film director, screenwriter, producer)Night Hotel Times Square, New York, NY"Night" by Elie Wiesel

Anyone who know of an interview with Elie Wiesel at Oprah Winfrey's talk show any help will be appreciated thanks?

It was broadcasted on November 2000 :)

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