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life in a rocket

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6mo ago

Some books about rockets include "Ignition!: An Informal History of Liquid Rocket Propellants" by John D. Clark, "Rocket Boys" by Homer Hickam, and "SpaceX: Making Humans a Multiplanetary Species" by Martin Giles.

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Where do some rockets get their oxygen from?

Some rockets, such as liquid fuel rockets, carry liquid oxygen (LOX) as an oxidizer in a separate tank. The LOX is then mixed with the rocket's fuel and ignited to create thrust. Other rockets, like solid fuel rockets, have an oxidizer mixed into their solid fuel composition.

What some jobs that rockets do now?

rockets go outer space to take people to the moon

What are some jobs that rockets do now?

rockets go outer space to take people to the moon

What are some of the jobs that rockets do?

there is nothing

Disadvantages of rockets?

The advantages are it can take you up to space.The disadvantages are you are talking a risk to go to space.

What are some of the jobs rockets have done in the past?

Rockets have sent unmanned spacecraft to mars and Jupiter. Satellites put in orbit by rockets beam back information about earth's atmosphere and weather.

What are some of the jobs rockets do now?

Rockets now send people to the moon, take pictures of things in space, and fix satellites.

What are some of the rockets jobs now?

Rockets now send people to the moon, take pictures of things in space, and fix satellites.

What are some of jobs rockets do now?

Rockets now send people to the moon, take pictures of things in space, and fix satellites.

When was Rockets - Rockets album - created?

Rockets - Rockets album - was created in 1976.

What are the names of the important rockets?

Some important rockets include the Saturn V, Falcon 9, Delta IV, and Atlas V. These rockets have played significant roles in space exploration and satellite launches.