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He is happy and sad

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6mo ago

Rainsford initially views hunting as a thrilling and exhilarating sport, believing in the challenge and excitement it brings. However, as he experiences being hunted himself by General Zaroff in "The Most Dangerous Game," his perspective on hunting evolves to acknowledge the cruelty and unbalanced power dynamics inherent in the activity.

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Q: What are rainsfords views on hunting?
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What was rainsfords first name?

well in the story it is Sanger but in the movie its Robert

How does the author foreshadow rainsfords experience on the island?

The author foreshadows Rainsford's experience on the island through the conversation about hunting at the beginning of the story, where Rainsford expresses his lack of empathy for the prey. The mention of Ship-Trap island being a mysterious and dangerous place also sets the tone for what is to come in Rainsford's hunting ordeal. Additionally, the eerie description of General Zaroff and his passion for hunting humans hints at the dangers Rainsford will face on the island.

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Rainsford in the book The Dangerous game is adventurous, diligent, sly, focused,cunning, and never gives up.

Why does General zaroff refer to shipwrecked sailors as specimens?

General Zaroff refers to shipwrecked sailors as "specimens" because he sees them as trophies or targets for his hunting pursuits on his island. He views them as objects to be hunted and challenges himself by tracking and hunting these "specimens" for sport and entertainment.

What are christian views on hunting?

I would think that the "Christian" position on hunting for sport (as opposed to for food) is that hunting is at variance with the general tenor of Jesus' teachings. Jesus repudiated the way "power" is generally exercised in the world - through the instrumentality of force and often exercised solely to benefit the person exercising that power. I think hunting for sport is awful - we kill God's creatures solely for pleasure? What does that say about us?

What are the religious views on animal sport?

The Jewish faith teaches to be kind to animals, and to only hurt them for survival purposes, meaning hunting is fine, but animal cruelty is most definitely NOT.

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Deciduous forest are often noted for their great hiking views, because of the variance in vegetation. Hunting is also a popular activity in deciduous forests.

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i think general solution is that time while rainsford was running general Zaroof saw him in front of him, general zarrof think rainsfords already die but he didn"t

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What is recreational Hunting?

Rec hunting is hunting for pleasure or sport, instead of trade hunting, which is hunting to kill animals for trade (by the way, no animal has become extinct by rec hunting.)