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A story about someone else's life is typically called a biography. It is a written account of a person's life, usually highlighting key events, achievements, and experiences.

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A biography

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Q: What Is A Story Called That You Write About Someone Else's Life?
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When someone else writes about someone who is deceased, it is called a biography.

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Knowingly committing forgery is a felony.

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If someone ELSE writes it about your life it is called a Biography if YOU write a story about your life it is called a Autobiography.

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It is not a matter of if someone can. Of course, there are people who can write a story about someone who tries to steal the Cat in the Hat's hat. The real question is whether anyone will write the story for you and the answer to that is a resounding NO! If someone did that, they would be robbing you from the experience of using your own imagination and your own writing skills and style to create your own story. We simply will not do that.

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A person who writes an autobiography is writing the story of their own lives, otherwise it is not an autobiography. Only you can write you autobiography. However, you can have someone else write the story of your life, which would be called a biography.

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When you write someone else's words as your own you are plagiarizing. Just like citing work, you should use quotation marks to give them credit.

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what is a story you write aboutyour ownlive called

Is it legal to write a book by someone else online?

It is not legal to copy a book by someone else. If you are working with that person and helping them to write it, then you would be called a ghost writer -- make sure that you are very clear online that you are not writing the story, and it will be legal.

What type of book is about your life story?

If someone else write it then its Biography and if you yourself write it its Autobiography

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write a story where a real problem is solved by someone using math. this original story must be at least 700 words long

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A narrative is a story that you write or tell to someone