"The Boy Who Dared" by Susan Campbell Bartoletti explores themes such as courage, resistance, and the consequences of standing up against injustice. The story follows Helmuth Hübener, a German teenager who spoke out against the Nazi regime during World War II, and ultimately paid a heavy price for his bravery. The novel highlights the importance of speaking out against oppression and the impact of individual actions in the face of tyranny.
Susan Campbell Bartoletti wrote The Boy Who Dared.
The conflict in The Boy Who Dared is the Nazis coming to power.
The Boy Who Dared was set during WWII.
The Boy Who Dared is not a made-up story. It is a true story.
The Boy Who Dared takes place in 1940s Nazi Germany.
Susan includes a list of bibliographies at the end of her book The Boy Who Dared.
"Silence is how people get on" -Susan Campbell
The setting of the book "The Boy Who Dared" is Germany during World War II. It takes place in a small village called Bremen and follows the story of Helmuth HΓΌbener, a teenage boy who dared to resist the Nazi regime through his anti-Nazi activities.
The Boy Who Dared was created in 2008.
Some quotes that contribute to the theme of bravery and standing up for what is right in "The Boy Who Dared" include: "Bravery is not the absence of fear, but the strength to overcome it." "True courage is not the absence of fear, but the willingness to face it." "In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
Susan Campbell Bartoletti wrote The Boy Who Dared.