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Margery Kempe

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Leonel Marvin

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2y ago
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6mo ago

The person you are referring to is "Margery Kempe," whose autobiography titled "The Book of Margery Kempe" is considered to be the first biography written in English. Margery Kempe was an English mystic and pilgrim who lived in the 14th-15th century. Her book provides a glimpse into her spiritual journey and experiences.

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Q: The story of this person's life was considered to be the first biography in English.?
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Who is life was considered the be the first biography in English?

Samuel Johnson life story was considered to be the first biography in English.

Who's life story was considered the first biography in English?

Margery Kempe

The story of this person's life is considered to be the first biography in English?

The person you are referring to is likely Saint Margaret, whose life story was written by Osbern Bokenham in the 15th century. Bokenham's work is considered one of the earliest biographies written in English.

What person's life was considered to be the first biography in English.?

That would be Margery Kempe who was known as a Christian mystic .

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"The Life of Samuel Johnson" by James Boswell is commonly considered the first modern biography. Published in 1791, it offers a detailed and intimate portrayal of the famous English writer and lexicographer Dr. Samuel Johnson. Boswell's approach to biography, which included personal details and conversations with the subject, set a new standard for the genre.

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The first biography written in English is generally attributed to Sir Thomas Malory's "Le Morte d'Arthur," which was written in the 15th century. This work is not a traditional biography per se, but it recounts the life of King Arthur and his knights in a narrative form.

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first of all the english is not right and second of all i dont know the answer. I'm sorry.

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