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While "do as I say, not as I do" may be a clear directive, it can lead to lack of trust and inconsistency within the corporate culture. Employees often look to leaders as role models, and actions speak louder than words when it comes to demonstrating values. Therefore, it is important for leaders to embody the values they wish to instill in the organization.

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Q: Do what you say not what you do can be effective code of conduct to instill corporate values?
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Do what you say not what you do can be an effective code of conduct to instill corporate values true or false?


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Parents try to instill values in their children.

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Corporate culture regards adherence and compliance to institution specific norms of appearance and values. Through controlling dress, rules of institutional engagement, and manipulating conduct under threat of dismissal or incentive, corporate culture can be used to control and suppress human behavior.

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By recognizing and rewarding those who exhibit moral values and correcting/coaching/teaching those who do not.

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Maybe with a voodoo doll (just kidding). No, you can only "instill" habits not emotions. For example, you could instill someone with good values or good work habits. But not instill them to love, hate, be happy or sad.

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Simple group games such as Tag and Simon Says are effective in teaching morals and manners to children. Additionally, card games and races can instill fairness, honesty and good sportsmanship.

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here is a definition.VerbGradually but firmly establish (an idea or attitude, esp. a desirable one) in a person's mind: "instill values".Put (a substance) into something in the form of liquid drops: "instill eye drops".

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Real Corporate value starts from what the management, employees and people surrounding a corporation do in both good or bad times of the corporation.

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What are he parents perceived role in inculcating values to the child at home?

I don't know about 'perceived' but they do have an objective role. To morally guide the child and prepare him for independence as an adult.

Objective of all African games?

Basically fun and to instill moral values in kids' teach them about what they might encounter later in life.