Some old comic books can become extremely valuable (selling for tens of thousands of dollars) while many, many comic books end up in "bargain bins" worth less than their original cover price.
The Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide (or Official Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide) is widely considered the primary authority on the subject of American comic book grading and pricing in the hobby/industry.
For quick checks of single issues, eBay can be useful. You can use it to find out what specific issues are listing for. Note however that this doesn't mean that they're actually selling for these prices, just that sellers are hoping to sell them at these prices.
Some old German books can be valuable, especially if they are rare or in good condition. Factors such as age, rarity, demand, and historical significance can play a role in determining their value. It is recommended to consult with a rare book dealer or appraiser for a more accurate assessment.
It depends on how old they are. If they are from the early 1900's they are probably worth some money in a few country's especially in Germany.
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There are 66 books in the Bible: 39 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament.
if it is in good condition it could be worth a whole lot of money
Yes. They also have other books worth reading. Try it sometime.
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The old or vintage men's Levi's jeans are very valuable as these jeans are worth a lot of money. The Levi's 501 that were manufactured before 1980 can be worth $8000.
The used book store. They will even give you money for them.
Antique is worth more money.
sell old toys, games, books, etc.