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My Wife's 1998 Dodge Caravan's air conditioning system is making a "hissing" sound when it is turned on. It sounds like it is from the inside of the car. When I called a local dealer they suspect it may be the evaporator coil leaking. They gave an estimate of $800.00 plus but would try and determine if that was the problem. We may or may not try to have it fixed. If we do I will try and advise what happens.

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Q: Your mom has a 2001 Dodge Caravan and her ACheater when turned on is making a hissing noise and when turned on you can hear it heating or cooling from the outside Is this some kind of fluid problem or?
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The Clue of the Hissing Serpent was created in 1974.

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Madagascar hissing cockroach was created in 1853.

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The Clue of the Hissing Serpent has 181 pages.

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