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If you are one of the few people with a Mazda Miata that does very little driving, you may find that you end up with a dead or very drained battery by spring time. I had this problem for 6 years and after 6 batteries, I resolved the problem. To many reading this the solution may be obvious, but if you are still having problems with your Miata with extra power features, and the battery is being drained by all these internal power sources (excluding a security system) and maybe you've even tried a trickle charger with no luck, the following may help. Solution: If you have a Miata with many power options, and you don't drive the car for a long time, consider getting and installing a battery 'KILL SWITCH'! You can get them for about $12 or less. Drive your Miata more often OR get a Master Battery Kill Switch installed.

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Q: Your 1999 Mazda Miata keeps ending up with a dead battery Something is draining it Any ideas where I should start?
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Something is usually on that you don't know about like an alarm could be draining the battery. However, If its not starting you should check the starter though. It will make you think the battery is bone dead.

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If your battery is good and you know your car is draining it then yes, disconnecting your battery from your car will keep your battery charged for much longer than 3 days. Your battery should stay charged way longer than 3 days in normal conditions being hooked up to your car. You should get it checked out and figure out what is draining your battery so fast.

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Something must be draining the battery while it is not running. Usually it is caused by an interior light being left on either inside or perhaps the trunk or one of the doors were not closed completely and thus causing the interior lights to stay on and drain the battery. Otherwise, this will continue and you should plan on replacing the alternater and/or battery

What should you do if you get your battery charged and then the next day its dead?

throw it way because it may not work anymore ... and try keeping batterys in the freezer for longer battery life. Have the battery tested, it may not be able to hold a charge any more. If the battery checks good have the electrical system of the vehicle tested, you may have something draining the battery down as simple as a glove compartment light staying on.

Can the heater stay on draining the battery after you turn off the car?

yesTo elaborate, it should not be staying on.There's a comprehensive trouble-shooting roundup for battery drain problems with Windstars in the "Related Questions" below.

Should I keep the ignition switch on lock or off on a 1964 Impala to keep the battery from draining?

Yes. Otherwise you will drain the battery through the ignition points, burning them out prematurely or even welding them together.

Your car isn't starting but ive replaced the alternator and battery and the starter something is draining my battery when its sitting?

Check the parasitic load on the battery should not exceed .07 amps. Disconnet - side of battery and connect test light in series w/it. (light will illuminate if excessive current flow) Pull each fuse one at a time until light goes out. At least that will tell you which circuit is draining battery. The newer cars are supposed to maintain battery life (with a fully charged battery) for 21 days. Usually a short, meaning an open electrical circuit, is draining your battery. This means even though you have the car shut off, some thign is draining current from your battery. A wire may have rubbed the insulation off and is now touching metal somewhere on the car and this is letting the current drain from the battery. Shorts are very hard to find but can be done using a circuit tester and patience. As long as you have that short, the only way to prevent your battery from drainign is to get a battery's connects to the negative post on the battery and when you turn it it either allows the current to flow from the battery or else it shuts it off. Of course you will have to turn it on and off all the time but it will get you by for awhile.

What should you do if your car factory car stereo is draining your car battery?

While the car is running the alternator should be recharging the battery faster than stereo can drain it. I suspect you either have a problem with the alternator or its time to get your battery replaced. Until you get it fixed, if you don't turn on the radio, it wont drain your battery :) If it is a high power model, it needs to be wired directly to the battery.

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Having the same problem. The answer is that I am going to have to take an electrical tester, charge the battery back up, then trace the live wires. There should be no live wires when the key is off.

If you left the car lights on all night and the car doesn't start and you just replaced the battery about a week ago does that mean your car battery is dead?

It means the battery has been drained of all it's power. Simply recharge the battery with a battery charger and it will be fine. You do not have to replace the battery, although draining the battery fully does harm the battery. Charge the battery fully and it will function as it should.

Why does a car battery go dead?

Could be an older battery that can't hold a charge any longer Could be loose or corroded battery cables not supplying a sufficient charge from alternator Could be a weak alternator not charging battery Could be excessive parasytic load drain to battery ( a fully charged battery should be able to hold a charge for 21 days of inactivity) Could be a hidden accessory left on draining battery (i.e. trunk light, glove box light, etc.) Could be a defective voltage regulator not opening on engine shut down draining battery.