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Possible cracked block or a blown head gaskets.

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Q: You had a pressure test on your car and the radiator and all hoses were replaced however its still leaking antifreeze?
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Why do you smell antifreeze when you turn your car off?

A small amount of antifreeze smell may be emitted from the radiator overflow. However if you smell antifreeze you need to make sure there isn't a leak. It may be something simple if you catch it early.

Why do you smell antifreeze through your heat?

Your heater uses somthing akin to a mini radiator to transfer heat from your engine to the cars interior. However, if you're smelling antifreeze, you have some type of leak.

How can you make sure your radiator doesn't have pressure in it?

Squeeze a radiator hose. If there is pressure, it will be hard to squeeze. However, some of them have a spring in them so they won't collapse, but you will be able to feel it if there is NO pressure. Use a rag to carefully and slowly open the radiator cap! To be safe, if its all hot, don't mess with it.

In my 2002 Mazda Millenia my radiator was replaced yesterday immediately afterward I had a pool of antifreeze on my passenger floor from the heater core...Are these 2 things related or coincidence?

A coolant system pressure test should have been performed before work was done to determine exactly where the leaks were located. If the leak in the radiator was big, the leak in the heatercore probably would not appear. once the new radiator was installed, the pressure may have caused a new leak in the heatercore. With that said, there may have been two leaks all along, or once one leak was fixed another leak surfaced. Install a new heatercore, and have a pressure test done. Answer 1 is correct and thorough, but there is one other possibility. There initially could have been only one leak,in the radiator, BUT the heater core may have been corroded almost to the point of failure, and just coincidently failed after the radiator was replaced. The simple act of removing the old, leaking radiator, and replacing it with a new one, should not have caused the heater core to fail. However, if it was READY to fail, the increased operating pressure within the system, due to the leaking radiator being out of the equation,certainly could cause the failure. j3h.

I Put dot 3 brake fluid in antifreeze how bad is it?

If you put the brake fluid in the overflow reservoir just empty the reservoir and pour in a 50/50 mix of antifreeze and distilled water. If however you put it in the radiator itself, I would recommend you drain the radiator and refill. Brake fluid is corrosive and may damage the water pump seal.

When I drive my 2002 Chrysler Voyager I smell antifreeze however can not see any leaks?

If you can smell it, it is leaking. Have it pressure tested by a professional.

How would a radiator cap cause a leak?

A radiator cap would not cause a leak! However, if the radiator cap is holding pressure, other weak parts could signal issues in need of attention.

If antifreeze is shooting through the radiator cap and the system is overheating is that a head gasket problem in a Saturn sc1 2000?

No that's a clogged radiator issue. However if the engine over heats to much, the head will warp and you'll need a new one. Replace your radiator, Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor, and thermostat.

Is engine coolant circulated through the transmission on a Aerostar 30L van?

There is a very strong possibility you have a blown headgasket and you have antifreeze intruding into your oil The reason you are seeing water in your oil is because water pressure will normally be greater than the oil pressure and water (antifreeze) will intrude and contaminate the oil No, it is not supposed to do that. However, like most auto trannies, it does send fluid to the oil cooler in the left-side tank of the radiator, then back again. That explains the two metal pipes attached there. If the radiator goes really, really bad (i.e. the oil cooler corrodes out) you could get mixing, which would be a very bad thing. If this has happened, be sure to have a radiator shop check for electrolysis, and have a transmission shop drain, service and check out the tranny FAST.

How do you fix a crack in top of radiator?

For metal radiators, ideally, it needs to be braised (not usually a do-it-yourself job). However, if there is too much metal fatigue, it must be replaced. For plastic radiator parts, ideally, the part should be replaced, and any other plastic radiator parts should be inspected for signs of impending failure since they are likely to have similar life spans.

If a 1996 Saturn SL motor was replaced because a head was blown and oil was leaking into the radiator why is oil still leaking into the radiator?

Sometomes it is hard to get all of the oil out of the cooling system. However the place that replaced the engine should flush the cooling system until it is clean. Also if your car has an engine oil cooler , it could be the cooler in the radiator and not have been the engine in the first place.

Can you drive a car with only water in the radiator?

Yes, you can. In fact, pure water is a more effective coolant than any mixture of water and antifreeze. However, it is not recommended that you run pure water in a cooling system for an extended length of time. Not only does antifreeze protect against freezing. It also contains corrosion inhibiters, which help prevent your engine and radiator from succumbing to corrosion. For these reasons, using only water in your cooling system is something you should do only when you have no choice (such as a roadside emergency). However, if pure water is used in a cooling system for this reason, the cooling system should be drained ASAP and refilled with the proper mixture of antifreeze and water.