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Probably not too much damage, but I always like to be sure, so you can take your car to any local shop and have them check for any damages done to the car. Just tell them you backed into someone, they usually aren't too interested who you hit.

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Q: You backed into a parked car and it moved but it didnt make a dent in the back of the car so you werent going that fast you werejust backing out of a parking space what kind of damage would there be?
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Who was at fault if you were backing a car parked in the parking lot and another car on the street was going forward and then suddenly stopped and backed and the two cars hit?

Were you both backing at the same time 'at impact'? Will depend on where damage is etc, but assuming both backing and bumpers hit more than likely will be a 50/50 liablitly decision made.

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If all conditions are equal: such that both parties signaled and backed up in a 'cautious manner' - then the fault would be 50-50. The amount of damage would have no bearing.

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If you back into somthing its your fault regardless of whether it was parked improperly or not. You were suposed to be looking

Your car was hit while backing out of parking space?

The car which is driving straight into the parking lot has the right of entery into the parking space. When you are backing out your vehicle than you need to make sure that there is no vehicle which is comming in and whether it is safe. If you have already backed out more than 50%, than the car comming in should wait till you clear out . As per the state prevalant laws it would differ from state to state. However, each one will have to claim for the damage of the vehicle under your own policy and if there is any bodily injury than you can sue the opposite driver. However, the award for property damage and injury would be paid in porpotion to the fault fixed.

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Most defintley his fault, you were backing out, he should have saw you first.

If you are backing out of a parking spot and another person cuts in behind you to get into a parking space who is at fault if you back into them?

If you are both moving, the one at fault is whoever the police officer says is at fault on the accident report. That's all I can tell you with this information. I hope you called the police. They will say you backed into them and you will say they ran into you. Without a police report faulting one of you, the insurance company will say both are 50% at fault which means each pays for their own damage.

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Need more information, where is your damage exactly, where is the other partys damage/impact. If you had control of the lane, then the other party will likely carry the majority of fault. If you could give me more details I could be of greater assistance to you.

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Assuming that the car hit was stopped when the other car was backing up, the one backing will be at fault. If there is no damage, or if it is below a certain threshold it may not even count as a collision.

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From the description of the collision contained in the question, there is no way of clearly determining the scene and what occurred.

Who's fault is it when you're backing out of a parking spot into the main road and someone is reversing into a parking spot behind you off of the main road and causes accident?

I'm confused by the question. You were both backing? And back into each other? If that is correct more than likely you will each be 50% at fault. If you can provide more information (ie, where on each vehicle exactly is the damage, who was farther out etc), then perhaps I can be of more assistance.

What happens when two cars in a shopping center parking lot are both backing out at the same time and bump each others cars with a little damage?

That's their fault they should look out first before they do anything, some people shouldn't drive and if they make any damage then they will have to pay for what they have done!