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No it won't hurt it. If you only poured a little in the radiator I wouldn't give it another thought. If you poured a quart or more in there you probably need to get your radiator flushed before the temperature starts hitting any extremes. Aluminum engine parts can be a little touchy if they aren't heated and cooled uniformly.

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Q: Will it damage my van if i accidentally poured windshield washer fluid into the radiator reservoir?
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Will it damage my 2013 Chevy Impala if I accidentally poured windshield washer fluid into the radiator reservoir?

In a small amount (a few ounces), probably not. A larger amount may effect water pump seals.

Accidentally poured windshield wiper fluid in radiator?

This happened to me.. so I have some suggestions. First.. don't panic!! LOL.. its going to be ok :) Worst case senario: drain the fluid out of the vehicle and replace it. I wouldn't do that just yet though. Read on and learn a bit. There is some good news: Windshield wiper fluid is mostly water. Honestly, Im not sure what the 5% of other stuff in the windshield wiper fluid will do. Im thinking that there is a seal in the water pump, so it might damage that. You could leave it in and not do a thing and hope nothing bad will happen. Since I have a new vehicle chose to NOT go with this plan. A question for you: Did you put it directly in the radiator or in the coolant reservoir? I put mine in the reservoir. This is what I did to fix my problem. This is what I did. I opened my radiator cap, not all vehicles allow you to do this. I used a turkey baster to check the fluid in the radiator. Mine was all coolant. That was good news. Now take a look at the reservoir, you MIGHT notice a difference in the color of the fluid. Coolant is usually red, green, or yellow. Windshield wiper fluid is generally blue. So lets hope you can see the difference. Lets hope that the fluids have not mixed. Mine didnt. In mine the windshield wiper fluid stayed on top. In my vehicle the reservoir is used when the vehicle gets hot. The fluid is then stored in the reservoir. Also, if, for whatever reason, the vehicle loses some fluid, it uses the extra fluid in the reservoir to replace the fluid that is missing. So good news for me, the windshield wiper fluid was trapped in the reservoir and only there. Lets hope that yours is as well :) So I took a look at the reservoir and tried to figure out how to get the fluid out. It looked much to difficult to remove the reservoir... but what else could I do. So, as a man usually does, I looked at it for a while and prayed. Then it came to me: Suck the windshield wiper fluid out of the reservoir. BINGO! I grabbed my wet-vac and cut myself 2 feet of old garden hose. I slide the garden hose into the vacuums hose and used some duct tape to seal it. I slide the garden hose down into the reservoir and turned the vacuum on. I sucked out the windshield wiper fluid and whatever coolant that was in the reservoir. Viola! I replaced the coolant with some new fluid and that was that!!

Can over filling an automotive cooling reservoir damage a water pump?

As long as your reservoir has an overfill or overflow tube attached to it you can fill the radiator and the block itself with coolant and it will not hurt a thing.

Where is coolant reservoir on a 1992 Lexus ES300?

Coolant reservoir, or directly in the radiator. If you are having to add much coolant, you need to find out why. Serious engine damage can occur if it is leaking inside the engine.

You accidentally put window washer fluid in the coolant container - what's the damage?

Probably no damage, especially if you only filled the reservoir with it and not the whole cooling system. Use a turkey baster and suck up what's in the reservoir, dispose of properly. Then refill with coolant. I'm really not sure if the washer fluid will screw with the various rust inhibitors or lubricants key to the coolant. If you're really concerned, just flush the coolant and refill the system.

What would cause the cooling system to NOT send excess fluid to the reservoir?

1 simple cause may be a damage radiator cap or simply low fluid.

What would happen if windshield washer fluid was put in brake fluid reservoir?

You need to have the brake fluid changed immediately. Washer fluid will damage all of the seals in the brake system

I Put dot 3 brake fluid in antifreeze how bad is it?

If you put the brake fluid in the overflow reservoir just empty the reservoir and pour in a 50/50 mix of antifreeze and distilled water. If however you put it in the radiator itself, I would recommend you drain the radiator and refill. Brake fluid is corrosive and may damage the water pump seal.

99 dodge grand caravan you replaced the lower radiator hose but it is still leaking where could the leak be coming from?

If a lower radiator hose was replaced on a 1999 Dodge Grand Caravan, but it is still leaking fluid, it could be that there is a hole in the radiator. It could also mean that there is damage to the overflow reservoir or its hoses.

What happens when you mix gasoline in radiator?

Mixing gasoline in the radiator can cause serious damage to the cooling system of the vehicle. Gasoline is not a suitable coolant and can lead to overheating, corrosion, and potential engine damage. It is important to have the system flushed and refilled with the appropriate coolant if gasoline has been added accidentally.

What happens if you put too much coolant in the radiator?

The extra coolant will simply be pushed into the reservoir once the coolant heats up enough. It is also possible that (especially if there is already some fluid in the reservoir) that it will be pushed out of the reservoir unto the ground. Radiator fluid (antifreeze) is toxic to animals (it tastes sweet and so animals may be attracted to it). Please clean up or spray down with plenty of water any coolant that leaks or pours on the ground.

Does full glass cover damage you accidentally cause?

Yes , it does.