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Yes. Bigger tyres=> more friction => more strain on engine=> more fuel used

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Q: Will installing bigger tire consume more petrol for my car?
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Which is more flamable petrol vs kerosene?

Petrol is more flammable than kerosene because petrol has a lower flash point and autoignition temperature. This means petrol is more likely to ignite at lower temperatures compared to kerosene.

What is 2.5L car?

2.5L is the number of the cm³ of your engine. The bigger the number, the more gas it will consume. so its a 2.5 cm³ or a 2.5 litre (cm³=litre)

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The petrol is lot more expensive in this town.

Why diesel engines are heavier than petrol engines?

Most likely because they would be able to pull more and have more torque. This makes is so that is needs a bigger engine so that there is more power to pull the object a certain distance.