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Most likely it will fit

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Q: Will a p22570R16 chain fit a P22565R16 tire?
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Will tire chain size 205 60R16 fit 215 60R16 tire?

No, it will not.

Will tire chain size 21560R15 fit 21560R16?

No the rim and tire are too big.

Will tire chain size 205 55R16 fit 215 70R15 tire?

I doubt it as there is 2" difference in diameter.

Will tire chain size 215 60r15 work on 215 70r15 tire?

I tried to fit the chains for a 215/70R15 on a 215/60R15, and the chains were too large. I suspect in your case the chains will be too small.

Will tire chain size 235 70 R15 work on a 235 70 R16 tire?

Nope. the "15" is the size of your rim. 15". So a tire with a 15" opening wont fit a 16" rim. but you can put larger tires on the 15" rim.

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How tight should a crf150f chain be set on?

it all depends on how streched your chain is. just tighten so you can fit three fingers from your chain to your swingarm and make sure you set the numbers the same on each side of the tire. but mine is set at 39 on both sides

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The Fit uses a chain.

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The biggest tire that can fit on a 15 inch rim is a 15 inch tire. It is very unsafe to mix rims and tire sizes together.

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The Fit uses a chain.

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