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alt are easy to turn at low speed,But as the engine speed up it has a higer out put of amps so this makes it harder to turn. So by being harder to turn more Friction is created.thus more heat!

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Q: Why would the alternator heat up and destroy the belt?
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When you turn the heat on in your 96 Chrysler Concorde you get a sqeualing sound what could this be?

it maybe the belt for the alternator

Will a blown electrical system caues your van to over heat?

No unless the belt driving the alternator and cooling fan breaks

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Could be the heat shield on the catalytic converter May be a bad bearing in one of the belt driven accesories i.e. Water pump Alternator Belt tensioner Idler pulley etc.

Can a bad serpentine belt cause alternator problems?

a serpentine belt runs the alternator and the more stuff you have running (heat, lights, radio) it causes the alternator to have to have the belt run faster to supply power to the things that are running. if your belt is loose or worn, it will slip and cannot provide the amount circulation needed for the alternator to produce enough sustainable power to run everything at once. the belt itself runs several components, and if the power steering goes out as well, then most likely that you have a bad belt. you can always try tightening it with the idler pulley. but if the belt is too worn or stretched, then i recommend just getting a new belt entirely. cheap fix really.

Will the time belt make your car overheat?

On Many cars the timing Belt runs the Water Pump. If this belt is loose the car will over heat. If the belt is to tight the belt will break and destroy the engine so this must be adjusted exactly correct.

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Alternator belt needs adjusting

What makes the alternator over heat and some red fluid spray all over?

Alternators do not generally over heat, and the do not contain fluid. Since it is red in color I would assume that you are spraying transmission fluid from a cooler line, or power stearing fluid. Power stearing is much more likely since the power stearing pump is also belt driven (just like the alternator), and commonly mounted very near the alternator.

What would it take to destroy metal?

To destroy metal you would need to put it in extreme heat (fire) or cut it with a crystal saw. :)

Why would the alternator over heat the car?

It will not cause the engine to overheat. You have another problem.

When ac or heat is on in Cherokee and you are at a stop your battier volts go down and when you go to drive the belt squeals?

Check the tension on the belt; a loose belt will cause the battery voltage to go down because it may be slipping on the alternator and also squeals when you accelerate because the crankshaft is turning faster than the belt.

When you first start your 1988 Civic LX it squeals bad Then when you turn on heat lights defrost etcit goes for longer and louder--altanator belt If so how do you change it?

if the car has a serpentine belt then check to see if it is good next check alternator bearings, spin it- does it move freely, same for belt tensioner. if it has separate belts or a v belt it needs to be tightened either by loosening the mounting bolts on the alternator and moving it until the belt is tight, or by doing the same with the idler pulley.

What is the purpose of the belt tensioner on a Saturn sl1 y?

The tensioner maintains proper tension on the serpentine belt. Too much tension can cause premature failure of the belt, water pump, AC compressor, alternator, power steering... Too little tension can cause belt slipping, resulting in premature belt failure and poor operation of the water pump, AC compressor, alternator... AND when those pulleys are slipping, they generate a lot of heat which can cause premature failure of the water pump... you get the idea.