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Probably a dry bearing or worn out bearing. Possibly a bent axle shaft. Have the tire checked for improper balance first, then see about the other possible diagnoses.

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Q: Why would a whooshing sound come from rear wheel while driving?
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What causes a whistling sound by the front wheel while driving?

Possibly a bad wheel bearing.

What causes the whooshing sound in Windows 8?

The sounds in all of the Windows versions have been made while Windows was being developed. The whooshing sound is nothing more than your speakers just playing a sound.

What would make a humming or grinding sound when im inside the car driving but cant be heard on the outside?

if its while your driving it could be wheel bearings

What could be the constant clicking sound which appears to come from the automatic gear while driving?

My left wheel ticking while driving was causes by brake pads that did not fit. As explained poor fit.

How do you know you have a bad wheel bearing?

jack the car up, if you can wiggle the wheel and nothing else moves..... tadaaa! otherwise while driving down the road, it may sound as tho your wheel might fall off.

What is wrong if your car makes a buzzing sound when you turn the wheel while you are driving on curvey roads?

Your car may need power steering fluid if it makes a buzzing noise when you turn the wheel.

Why does car make roaring sound in back while driving?

Sounds like a drive train problem or perhaps a wheel barring issue, depending on your vehicle.

Steering wheel is loose while driving?

If the steering wheel is loose while driving the steering rack may be going bad. A bad steering rack leads to a lot of play on the actual wheel.

What would cause your car to make a grinding sound while turning your wheel to the right while driving only?

The grinding is a worn CV joint. Get it replaced before it causes more damage! A worn wheel bearing will make the same noise answer worn wheel bearings or worn brake pads will be the cause

Did anyone else had their rear axle snap causing the rear right wheel to detach from vehicle while driving?

Oh I did years ago while driving a 1959 VW. My wheel passed me.

Grinding noise in front of Chevy cavalier on wheel rotation while driving straight?

Wheel bearing

Why is my front wheel drive car roar while driving and change pitch while turning?

Sounds like to me you need a wheel bearing