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check to be sure your internet cable has not come out, that the web site is correct, and that the page/ option is not blocked.

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Q: Why when I try to sign in to anything that needs to be signed into such as yahoo Facebook online banking etc. does the Cannot Display page come up?
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How do you know a person has blocked you on facebook?

You cannot find anything to do with them...if you search their name you cannot find them either!

Where is the url on Facebook?

Its located in the address bar it doesn't appear on your profile the name that you choose can be changed which is called the Display name. A URL cannot be changed.

Why do you get an Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage message when trying to go to facebook?

because it's either blocked on your computer or because you typed it in wrong.

You can get onto Facebook but you cant see anything on screen an cannot read anything?

ive tried on some-one elses PC and its ok but not on my PC

What does it mean if you cannot see a person's facebook page but they the person still shows up on your friends page?

It means they have customized their privacy settings so you can't see anything they do on facebook, but you are still one of their facebook friends.

How do you tag someone in a facebook status from the iPhone?

Unfortunately, you cannot tag someone in your status updates, pictures, or anything else from the iPhone. You would have to log on to Facebook from a regular computer to tag friends.

Where can get your mobile email from Facebook?

You cannot get your email from facebook.

What do you do if you cannot upload pictures onto Facebook?

why you cannot upload a picture to Facebook !! u can put it into your computer then click upload picture on Facebook then browse then choose it then you will get it on Facebook

Where else can you play pet society not on Facebook or without logging in?

Sorry, but you cannot play pet society without a facebook because its a facebook application, sorry. Hope this helped!Sorry don't mean to sound rude or anything but YOU DIDN'T HELP!!

What can you do to back your many friend request?

You cannot to anything to make a back of your Facebook profile. You can only secure your profile via strong security.

How do you rate someone on Facebook?

You cannot rate anyone on Facebook.

How you can display servlet page in jsp page?

You cannot. You display JSP Pages using the help of Servlets. Servlets are of the background classes and you cannot display them