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Distilled water has no chemicals dissolved in it as does tap water. Using tap water in a battery or steam iron would eventually cause some of these minerals to come out of solution when the water is warmed continuously, and form deposits that would start to clog up or coat the inner surfaces of the battery or iron. Thus the steam iron would produce less steam, over time. The battery would lose power and efficiency for the same reason, reducing its life. If you wash a window with tap water only, when the wet glass dries, you will see a cloudy skin on the glass from these dissolved chemicals and minerals in the water. Alum is one chemical that is used in city water to clear the cloudiness of water.

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Q: Why should you use distilled water in a car battery or in a steam iron?
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What is distilled water in a car battery made of?

Water that's been distilled. Means you let it boil, collect the steam and cool the steam back into water.

How do you make distilled water for battery?

Boil water Collect the steam Cool the steam until it condenses back into water Collect the condensed water, and there you have your distilled water. Or you can just go to any store and buy a gallon.

Can fish live in half distilled half tap water?

You should not use distilled water in a fish tank as it is missing vital minerals. Distilled water is basically water collected from steam

Can you use water from a de-himidifier in car battery?

No, you should only add distilled water to an auto battery.

How much water should you put into a car battery?

Enough distilled water to cover the plates. Do not open a sealed battery.

Should you top off your battery with electrolyte?

No, top it off with Distilled Water.

What is battery water made up of?

battery water is distilled water

Why should distilled water rather than acid be added to the storage battery in automobile?

Do you have any sulfuric acid on hand? There is enough acid already in the battery. Just add distilled water.

What is the difference between demineralized water and battery water or distilled water..?

Demineralized water has had its minerals removed through processes like deionization or reverse osmosis, while battery water is typically distilled water that meets specific purity requirements for use in batteries. Distilled water is created by boiling water and collecting the steam, which is then condensed back into liquid form. All three types of water are relatively pure, but demineralized water has a higher purity level compared to battery or distilled water.

Is the color of the water or steam will change into brownish wen it is heated into the steam?

If your distilled water is turning brown when heated, it wasn't distilled very well.

How you should add mixture water in batteries?

If your battery is not a sealed unit you add pure distilled water.

Will di water work in batteries?

You should always use distilled water to top a battery off.