

Why is your diesel engine burning oil?

Updated: 10/21/2022
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11y ago

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If your DG engine oil consuming more means : -

You are running DG without loador lower than 30% of the DG Capacity.

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Q: Why is your diesel engine burning oil?
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What causes blue smoke from a diesel engine?

Blue smoke is burning oil.

Does it mean the engine of a car is bad when you see soot at the exhaust when touched?

If the engine is diesel, no that is normal. If the engine is gasoline, yes it is probably burning oil.

Can you use gas engine oil in a diesel engine?

No you can not use gas engine oil in diesel engine oil because processing of diesel engine is different from gas engine oil. If you use this then it damage your vehicles.

Can you use diesel oil in gasoline engine?

NO, do not use diesel oil and a gasoline engine.

Why oil gauge is needed in a diesel engine?

Oil is just as important to a diesel engine as it is to a petrol engine

What is diesel oil?

"Diesel oil" or "Heavy oil" is another term for diesel fuel. Not to be confused with "engine oil for a diesel engine" which means lubricating oil specially formulated for use in diesel rather than petrol engines.

When i change the oil in the diesel engine i come to idea to wash the engine and i mix up some oil with diesel and let the engine run for few minute after fill with new oil Now is come blue smoke?

The use of a oil and diesel mix to clean your engine has removed the carbon seal in the engine causing blue smoke (Burning Oil) through the Valve stem Seals and the rings The practice of adding a mixture of oil and diesel is dangerous for your engine as i also lowers the efficiency for the oil to lubricate the engine which can cause the wiping of bearings it may recover but long term damage has been done

How many liters of engine oil does a Mitsubishi 4D56 diesel engine should have?

5 liters of diesel engine oil.

What will happen if the burning of fuel oil in a diesel engine having a high sodium content?

The primary side effect of burning fuel oil with high amounts of sodium content is a buildup of deposits. This can greatly diminish the effectiveness of the engine and its overall life span.

What engine oil do you need for a 306 diesel?

any diesel oil will be fine

What happens if you use gasoline oil in a diesel engine?

There is not a whole lot of difference if you are using the oil in an older diesel engine. The diesel oil of today has special additives to combat the soot buildup in the oil from the EGR. The diesel oil will get dirty a lot sooner on the late model engines. A 15w40 for a gas engine can be used in a diesel.

Is Diesel engine oil bad for a petrol car?

Yes, never put oil formulated for a diesel in a gasoline engine.