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Because lead is highly toxic and considered a serious pollutant.

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Q: Why is unleaded petrol used for vehicles?
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Why do you use Unleaded Petrol?

It harmed the vehicles engines and the environment.

Should you use leaded or unleaded petrol in 1985 1100 Shadow?

Unleaded, most vehicles manufactured post 1983, particularly Japanese are made to run on Unleaded

Advantages using unleaded petrol for cars?

in petrol we have 2 types.they are 1.leaded petrol 2.unleaded petrol in leaded petrol we have lead compounds so we call it as leaded petrol. in unleaded petrol we do not have lead compounds. the use or advantage of unleaded petrol is it does not emit harmful gases in to the environment. but leaded petrol emits harmful gases. cracking process takes place in unleaded petrol. cracking means it is a process of converting harmful gases into harmless gases. but this cracking process cannot be done in leaded petrol bcoz lead compounds decomposes the catylsts used in cracking process

Is it ok to use unleaded petrol in 1989 rm 125?

yes you can use unleaded petrol in that bike

What is the difference between unleaded gas and petrol?

Unleaded gas is petrol. In some countries they call it petrol and in others it is called gasoline or gas.

Lead content in petrol?

can content in petrol if not unleaded

What uses does petrol have?

It is used as fuel in vehicles

How far can you travel on 1 liter unleaded petrol?

As far as your vehicle is capable of going. Different vehicles have different fuel consumption rates.

What is an unleded petrol?

Unleaded petrol is petrol that has not been treated with a lead compound.

Is petrol the same as unleaded gasoline?

Petrol is the French word for gasoline. Petrol is usually unleaded gasoline. Canadian gas stations advertise gasoline as Petrol, as do many other countries.

Why are hydrolic fluid used in vehicles why not petrol?

You need to clarify this a little bit. Hydraulic oil is used for hydraulic systems rather than unleaded gasoline (petrol) because hydraulic oil is designed for it, being much less flammable, having a thicker viscosity, and being less prone to leakage. It is not used as a fuel.

What are substitutes of leaded petrol?
