Typically, a knocking noise when to use your brakes in the car is caused by your brakes wearing down. This means you need to get them checked out and repaired.
If you suspect something, get them checked. If you get vibration while applying the brakes, get them checked. If you get grinding noise from the brakes, get them checked.
Slam on your brakes. If your brakes lock up, then you do not have ABS. If your brakes do not lock up and you hear a knocking type of noise from your brakes, then you have ABS.
I would advise bringing your car to a mechanic as quickly as possible. Your brakes could fail. This puts you at a high risk for injury or even death.
loose rear caliper or drum brakes, could be loose hardware or on disc brakes, possible warped rotor
When there are any issues with your brakes it is best to take your car in to a certified mechanic. Brakes can knock for several reasons, including the calipers, brake pads, and bearings.
Pull the rear wheels off and check the brakes. Something may have broken or fell apart.
knocking noise
brake pads could be worn out. would it be safe to drive for now if the front brake pads are ok?
it could be that your brakes are dirty or that you need new pads
Squeaky brakes, sticky lifters engine knocking . Please be a little more specific.
NO. A knocking noise in the engine is a problem in the engine.