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I have a 2001 Intrepid and my battery kept dying, so 2 tow trucks later I found out that the battery that was in my car had over heated and battery acid was leaking. After that all I had to do was replace the battery and everything is well. Hope this helps!

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Q: Why is the car battery dying while the car is running?
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Why is my car battery dying while my car is running?

The Alternator might be bad. Make sure the battery terminals are clean, and the wires are good. If you still have a problem check the fuses.

Could a dead or dying airbag backup battery drain a main battery when the car is not running?

It might

Why is your car dying while running with no computer code?

Bad alternator.

Should your car stay running when you take the pos battery termanal off?

A battery is used to start a car. Once it is running, the alternator then supplies electrical energy to charge the battery as well as power the electrical systems in the car. Removing the battery while the car is running will not affect the running of the car.

Does an alternator charge a battery while the car is not running?

No , just when the engine is running

What if battery gets wet while car is running?

It will do no harm.

Why does my 1997 mercury tracer car battery light blinks on and off while the car is running?

If your 1997 Mercury Tracer has a battery light that blinks on and off while the car is running, it most likely means that the battery is not charging. This could be an issue with your alternator.

Why is your car not starting and the battery keeps dying?

Possibly a bad alternator. The Alternator charges the battery when the vehicle is running. If the battery is not being charged this could cause the vehicle not to start.

Why would a car battery keep dying?

A car battery would keep dying because inversely, the lesser the battery is used, the dying process continues. The more the battery is used, the lesser the dying process. But the dying commences and continues , the moment the car engine is not used. Thus, as often as the car is being used, the dying "resumes" the moment tne engine stops. And the faster it is used again, the slower the dying process.EVerytime the car engine is used, the battery recharges, thus life is given back to the battery. Once the engine stops, the dying resumes. This is why the car battery keeps on dying (everytime the car engine is not being used)

What does a vehicle depend on to keep it charged while the car is running?

The alternator - it provides a charge to the battery while the engine is running.

Why is the car battery charging at 14 volts running and 13.5 not running?

your alternator charges the battery while the car is running. The alternator actually puts out a higher voltage than 14 volts while it is running, but it is reduced by a voltage regulator (most of which are already built into the alternator housing), to prevent damage and premature death of the vehicles battery. While your car is not running, the alternator is not charging the battery, and the 13.5 volt reading you get is just the measurement of the voltage the battery is holding at that given point.

Can you car battery die while you are driving?

If the battery dies with the car running usually the alternator will be able to keep up, but the malfunction indicator will light up. Some models will say something like check gauges. You alternator or voltmeter will go real high. If the car is completely dying then the alternator is failing or you have bad or loose battery connections.