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the fuel produces has higher ignition temperature and produces more heat

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Q: Why is petrol a better fuel then wax?
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Why is petrol a better fuel than wax?

Petrol is a better fuel than wax because it has a higher energy density, burns more efficiently, and produces fewer emissions when combusted. Wax has a lower energy content and releases more pollutants when burned.

Why is petrol is better fuel than wax?

It really depends on what you are using the fuel for. If you want a liquid fuel that easily vaporizes in a carburetor to make an explosive mixture with air and burns quickly to release a lot of energy, then petrol is better than wax. I you want a less dangerous fuel for a candle, one that melts and vaporizes to burn slowly in air, then wax is what you want. The reason for the different burning properties of petrol and wax lies mainly in the size of their molecules and how the carbon and hydrogen atoms in them are joined together.

Is petrol better than diesel?

No, it is not better it is just another type fuel.

Does wax dissolve in petrol?


How is candle wax and petrol similar?

Candle wax and petrol are both hydrocarbon-based substances that can ignite and burn. They also both have a waxy consistency and are used as fuel sources for combustion. However, petrol typically contains more volatile components and is a liquid, while candle wax is solid at room temperature.

Does candle wax dissolve in petrol?

Yes, candle wax can dissolve in petrol because both substances are nonpolar and similar in structure, allowing them to mix together. Petrol can break down the molecular structure of the wax, causing it to dissolve and form a homogeneous solution.

Petrol is mainly composed of what?

petrol is a hydrocarbon fuel

Which fuel is better diesel or petrol?

It's not a question of 'better' - they have different uses and purposes.

Is petrol a biofuel?

No Petrol is a fossil fuel

What fossil fuel is used to make petrol?

petrol is made from the fossil fuel oil

Why is petrol regarded as a better fuel than kerosene?

Petrol is considered a better fuel than kerosene for automotive engines because it has a higher energy content per unit volume, burns more cleanly, and is easier to ignite at lower temperatures. Additionally, petrol produces fewer emissions compared to kerosene when burned in engines designed for gasoline.

Can we use fuel injector in petrol engine?

Yes, you can use a fuel injector in a petrol engine.