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is it just residue from where the gasket is gone?, if not there is a possibility that the head is cracked, was the head checked to make sure it was not warped? and pressure tested?, also you might have an additional problem, radiator blockage,thermostat stuck or if its the k series the dreaded ballbearing problem, each of these could cause the gasket to go again

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Q: Why is oil and antifreeze mix after head gasket was replaced?
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What causes antifreeze to mix with oil?

cracked or warped head/blown head gasket.

When antifreeze is mix oil what does that mean?

I'm not a mechanic / technician but I believe if antifreeze is getting into the engine oil it is because of a bad head gasket , or perhaps the head has warped

Why is oil getting in antifreeze of your 87 b2000 causing thermostat to stickand engine overheat?

Oil/antifreeze mix is usually caused by head gasket leaks or valve cover gasket leaks.

How you can fix an oil that is getting mixed with antifreeze at a ford econoline 250 year 98?

You can fix oil that is getting mixed with antifreeze in a Ford Econoline 250 of the year '98 by replacing the head gasket in the vehicle. A blown head gasket will cause the antifreeze and oil to mix.

Why is antifreeze in spark plug hole on 1 2 cylinder on 2000 ford expedition?

Check your oil... To see if oil is mix with the antifreeze... If it is it may be a bad head gasket or worse, a crack head gasket... you will need to have engine pressure tested... Good luck...

Can you use water instead of antifreeze?

Yes, but. Antifreeze is also a corrosion inhibitor. It protects the engine and head gasket from corrosion problems. It is far better, and safer to use a 50/50 antifreeze and water mix in the engine.

What does the head gasket do in a car engine?

A head gasket joins that cylinder head with the cylinder block. It separated the oil and the coolant passages. If the two mix, the head gasket will "blow" soon.

What do you do when oil a antifreeze mix?

Most likely a cracked cylinder, a cracked block or a blown cylinder head gasket. Do a compression test. Check for other external leaks. Most likely the head will have to come off, for further investigation.

Would a cracked cylinder head also allow antifreeze to mix with oil?

You bet it would. That's the most common reason for oil/coolant mixing. ======================================================= A bad head gasket or a warped cylinder head would be more common than a cracked cylinder head

What damage can be done when head gasket blows on a vauxhall astra 1.8?

well, eventually the most critical thing that can happen is the engine will seize up. when the head gaskets blow, the antifreeze and oil begin to mix together in the engine, mainly in the cylinders. when this happens, you are getting improper mixtures of everything within the engine. this will cause you to leak oil, antifreeze, get worse gas mileage, and the engine will over heat very very easily. have the head gaskets replaced as soon as possible to save yourself from a world of trouble.

Why does white smoke come out of the tailpipe and smell like antifreeze?

I'm not a mechanic / technician but if white smoke is coming out of your tailpipe with the engine warmed up it sounds like you are getting engine coolant into one or more of your engine cylinders . ( bad head gasket / warped cylinder head ) Is the coolant / antifreeze mix also going into your engine oil )

What happens if the head gasket is cracked?

Engine will possibly overheat, coolant will mix with the oil, and eventually destroy the engine. You must replace a cracked head gasket.