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Power is produced by the expanding gasses that have been ignited. These force the piston down. To maximise this power the ignition (spark with a petrol engine, injection with a diesel engine) it is timed to occur just before top dead centre of the compression stroke (upwards), when the air is at its maximum density.

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Q: Why is ignition timed at the compression stroke?
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Which occurs just before ignition?

Intake stroke

What is the purpose of setting piston tdc compression stroke?

Both the distributor and the camshaft must be timed to the top of the piston stroke. * The camshaft controls the valve operation, and valves must be timed to open only when there will be optimum gas flow (both air/fuel mixture during the intake and exhaust gas flow during the exhaust cycle) * The distributor (or whatever other ignition timing scheme is used) must be timed to fire at the top of the compression stroke so that the engine will extract the most usable power from the combustion process. Note that ignition timing is dynamic, meaning that ignition timing changes as the torque and speed demands change.

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Compression and ignition

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ignition, compression , stroke, exhaust.

Differences between 2 stroke and 4 stroke engines?

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What are different gasoline engine strokes..?

induction, compression, ignition & exhaust on a typical 4-stroke,.

What is the difference between a 4-stroke and a 2-stroke?

A four stroke engine requires the piston to travel up and down a total of 4 times to complete one full combustion process. The 4 strokes are: intake, compression, power (ignition), exhaust. And the intake and exhaust valves are timed accordingly. A two stroke engine fires ever other stroke and uses ports for intake and exhaust (no valve train)

In which step of the four-stroke engine cycle does the spark plug initiate the combustion reaction?

compression and ignition

When the ignition system produce high voltage?

At the end of the compression stroke. That's one of the jobs of the crank sensor.

Air and fuel intake compression and ignition combustion and expansion and exhaust are sequential steps in?

The four-stroke engine cycle.

What is the correct sequence of strokes in a four-stroke engine?

Air and fuel intake, compression and ignition, combustion and expansion, exhaust

What is the difference between the 4 strokes and 2 strokes?

A four stroke engine requires the piston to travel up and down a total of 4 times to complete one full combustion process. The 4 strokes are: intake, compression, power (ignition), exhaust. And the intake and exhaust valves are timed accordingly. A two stroke engine fires ever other stroke and uses ports for intake and exhaust (no valve train)