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Because in oppose to normal burning fuels(liquid, for the matter like cars here on earth) those fuels need an exterior source of oxygen, in our case - the air, which is mixed into a mixture in the combustion chamber of the engine, with rockets the case is different since they use solid fuels, which consists of the oxygen in the body of the fuel itself, and because of this, the oxygen needed for burning in space is a part of the molecular structure of the solid fuel it uses.

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Q: Why is a rocket engine able to work in space?
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Can you use petrol as a fuel in rocket engine?

Rocket fuel contains oxygen, which is not found in space. A rocket in space could theoretically work in space if it were to carry its own oxygen, but other fuels such as hydrogen are more efficient.

Why does a space craft requires a rocket engine instead of a jet engine?

because jet engines reqire air to take in in order to work, rocket engines spew matter to privide thrust

How does a rocket aid in space?

they will do the work

What parts make a rocket ship work outter space?

The main parts of a rocket ship that allow it to work in outer space include the propulsion system (engines), guidance system (to navigate in space), structural components (to withstand the forces of launch and flight), and life support systems (to sustain astronauts in space). Additionally, a rocket ship will typically have fuel tanks, rocket stages (for multi-stage rockets), and communication systems to stay in contact with mission control.

Why is a jet engine called air breathing engine?

A jet engine uses fuel from the aircraft's fuel tanks, but gets its oxidizer from oxygen in the air. So it won't work in space, where there is no air. A similar engine that carried its own oxygen would be called a "rocket", and WOULD work in space - because it wouldn't need air.

Why is a jet called a air breathing engine?

A jet engine uses fuel from the aircraft's fuel tanks, but gets its oxidizer from oxygen in the air. So it won't work in space, where there is no air. A similar engine that carried its own oxygen would be called a "rocket", and WOULD work in space - because it wouldn't need air.

Why can a rocket fly into space?

A rocket can fly into space because it generates thrust by burning fuel, which creates a force that propels the rocket upward. As the rocket gains altitude, it moves through progressively thinner atmosphere, eventually reaching a point where there is no longer enough air resistance to counteract the force of the engines, allowing it to continue into space.

What do rocket do?

Rocket scientists work for space agencies such as NASA. They also help to develop new rocket powered weapons for the military.

Why will a rocket work in space when there isn't any air?

Rockets in space carry both the fuel and oxidizer with them into space.

How do space ships fly?

Space ships fly using rockets, which work on the principle of Newton's third law of motion - for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. By expelling gases out of the back of the rocket at high speeds, the rocket is propelled forward. This allows the space ship to overcome Earth's gravity and enter outer space.

How do space crafts move in space?

Spacecraft move in space by using thrusters to generate thrust, which propels them in the desired direction. They can also utilize gravity assists from planets or other celestial bodies to change their trajectory. Additionally, spacecraft can adjust their trajectory by relying on the principles of momentum and the lack of air resistance in space.

How rocket engines work?

A rocket engine is a reaction engine as the fuel is burnt the thrust created pushes the rocket forward. Newton's 1st law in action; for every reaction there is a equal and opposite reaction.