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Because it produces alternating current which is then converted to DC

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Q: Why is a generator called an alternator?
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Related questions

What is a machine that creates electricity?

It may be called a generator, alternator or dynamo.

Does a kawasaki ninja zx7 have an alternator?

yes... sometimes called a generator.

Does an alternator work similar to an ac generator?

Alternator and ac generator is equal

Every generator is alternator and every alternator is not generator?

Nope, you are confused. Click the link.

How do you convert a DC generator to ac alternator?

Turn the DC generator inside out and you have an alternator .

What does GEN stand for on the message center of an 1997 dodge B2500 van?

The generator ( alternator ) is not charging properly.The generator ( alternator ) is not charging properly.

What is another word for electric generator?

An alternator and a dynamo could both be called generators.

Does the 2001 VW Beetle have a generator or an alternator?

has an alternator

What kind of magnets can be used to generate electricity?

Any kind of magnet can be used in a generator or alternator to generate electricity, even an electromagnet (when these are used the generator or alternator is called self-excited). But for the highest efficiency it should be a kind of magnet with a very strong field (so that more lines of flux can cut the conductors in the generator's or alternator's coils).

I have the alternator just missing the wiring connection sheet how do you connect an alternator from a generator on a 12 volt system?

You wouldn't. Terminology wrong? An alternator is a generator that generates AC.

Does a 1972 ford mustang have both a generator and an alternator?

No, it is equipped with an alternator.

What kind of electricity does an alternator make DC or AC?

It makes AC ( alternating current ) . That's why it's called an alternator. A DC generator would usually be called a dynamo.