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They are both junk. Get a Yamaha.

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Q: Why is a Polaris snowmobiles better than a Arctic Cat snowmobiles?
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What is better a ski-doo snowmobile or a polaris snowmobile and why?

Ski-doos are usually more performance sleds, they are usually the first to try out new designs and that is why their snowmobiles look so weird compared to the standard design that pretty much all polaris snowmobiles look like. That being said, polaris are usually more reliable, and are much easier to find parts for. The standard polaris design that has been in place since like 1996 works fairly well and is good for a nice trail snowmobile. I myself prefer polaris over ski-doo because of the reliability issue. The newer ones may be better, i cannot say because I have never ridden one newer than 2000.

Are muse better than arctic monkeys?

yes muse are better than arctic monkeys the produce way better music

Is an Arctic wolf better than a tiger?


Do you have facts about arctic bumblebees?

The Arctic Bumblebee (Bombus polaris) is found in Canada, Alaska, some of the Arctic Islands, Scandinavia and Russia. The Arctic bumblebee has dense fur that slows heat loss. These bees move their muscles quickly to warm their bodies. Also these bumblebees have a higher abdominal temperature than its temperate cousins.

Who is better the Kooks or Arctic Monkeys?

The Kooks because they are smarter than the Monkeys

Why is Neptune closer to Earth than Polaris?

because polaris a star

Why is the Arctic colder than Antarctica?

Antarctica is colder than the arctic because it is a continent with high elevation, which is about 2,800 meters above sea level. The continent is considered a heat-sink for planet earth. Antarctica is about 30 degrees F colder than the Arctic.

How much larger is the sun is than polaris?

the polaris is much larger than sun because polaris is a super giant star while sun is only a dwarf

How do seals escape Arctic wolves?

Seals and Arctic wolves do not live in the same ecosystem. In the wild, Arctic wolves primarily prey on muskoxen and Arctic hares. They have also been found to prey on lemmings, Arctic foxes, birds and beetles.

Why do some snowmobiles have a button on it that make it backfire?

I do not know of any snowmobiles that have a button like that. They all have a kill switch that shuts the engine down, and if you push it while under higher rpm's and release it, than there is a chance for backfire.

Is a polaris outlaw 525 faster than yfz 450?

The Polaris Outlaw Is More fast