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CNG Is better than Petrol because it has very low moisture content, it's cheap and easy to transport.In spite of these circumstances the number of vehicles in the world that use CNG has grown steadily at a 30 percent annual rate.Some useful Pros. are

§ Due to the absence of any lead or benzene content in CNG, the lead fouling of spark plugs is eliminated.

§ CNG-powered vehicles have lower maintenance costs when compared with other hydrocarbon fuel-powered vehicles.

§ CNG fuel systems are sealed, which prevents any spill or evaporation losses.

§ Increased life of lubricating oils, as CNG does not contaminate and dilute the crankcase oil.

§ Being a gaseous fuel, CNG mixes easily and evenly in air.

§ CNG is less likely to ignite on hot surfaces, since it has a high auto-ignition temperature (540 °C) and a narrow range (5%-15%) of flammability.

§ Less pollution and more efficiency: CNG emits significantly less pollutants such as carbon dioxide (CO2), unburned hydrocarbons (UHC), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx) and particulate matter (PM), compared to petrol. For example, an engine running on petrol for 100 km emits 22,000 grams of CO2, while covering the same distance on CNG emits only 16,275 grams of CO2. CNG is essentially methane, i.e., CH4 with a calorific value of 900 kJ/mol. This burns with oxygen to produce 1 mole of CO2 and 2 moles of H2O. By comparison, petrol can be regarded as essentially benzene or similar, C6H6 with a calorific value of about 3,300 kJ/mol and this burns to produce 6 moles of CO2 and 3 moles of H2O. From this it can be seen that per mole of CO2 produced, CNG releases over 1.6 times as much energy as that released from petrol (or for the same amount of energy, CNG produces nearly 40% less CO2).

The corresponding figures are 78 and 25.8 grams respectively, for nitrogen oxides. Carbon monoxide emissions are reduced even further. Due to lower carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides emissions, switching to CNG can help mitigate greenhouse gas emissions.The ability of CNG to reduce greenhouse gas emissions over the entire fuel lifecycle will depend on the source of the natural gas and the fuel it is replacing. The lifecyclegreenhouse gas emissions for CNG compressed from California's pipeline natural gas is given a value of 67.70 grams of CO2-equivalent permegajoule (gCO2e/MJ) by the California Air Resources Board (CARB), approximately 28% lower than the average gasoline fuel in that market (95.86 gCO2e/MJ). CNG produced from landfill biogas was found by CARB to have the lowest greenhouse gas emissions of any fuel analyzed, with a value of 11.26 gCO2e/MJ (over 88% lower than conventional gasoline) in the low-carbon fuel standard that went into effect on January 12, 2010.

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Q: Why is CNG better than petrol and diesel?
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Why is cng preferable for vehicles than petrol and diesel?

Burns cleaner.

Why use CNG as a fuel rather than diesel and petrol what is CNG?

CNG or Compressed Natural Gas is considered ecologically cleaner and safer than diesel or petrol. Consisting mainly of methane, CNG is much more beneficial to valves and injectors of combustion engines . It is much used as a fuel in mining vehicles in places like gypsum mines.

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What is a hydrocarbon other than gasoline or kerosene?

Propane is a hydrocarbon that is commonly used as a fuel for heating and cooking. It is a byproduct of natural gas processing and petroleum refining.

What are the advantage of CNG over petrol and diesel engine?

CNG engines create less polution than petrol and diesel engines.As it is using compress natural gas power develops more than the others and also develops more torque in the engine.which leads to give a lower fuel consumption.

What is the best green alternative to petrol and diesel?

CNG, compressed natural gas.

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Why cng is more efficient than petrol?

It is not. Gasoline or diesel fuel has more available energy than cng per weight, and produces more kw/hp than cng. That's why we still use gas. Engines running on cng always produce less power, but run cleaner, and might have less of an environmental impact or carbon footprint than the production of gasoline.

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There are cars that run on diesel, CNG (Compressed Natural Gas), LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) and electric power.

Is petrol used in a car engine?

In some cars, yes. Some use diesel, some use LPG or CNG.

How HAS CNG in automobiles reduced pollution?

CNG is more friendly to air than any other fuel. Even if one car switches over to CNG it would mean a decrease in carbon monoxide by tonnes. CNG also reduces the quantity of sulphur dioxide in air.

What is burnt in the engine to release energy for the car to move?

A mixture of fuel (such as petrol/unleaded gasoline, diesel, LPG or CNG, E85, etc.) and air.