My car starts and runs fine .Yours may need a fuel filter or pump.
lack of fuel
you can but it wont stay running if the battery is dead
Call the person who repaired the car and tell them what is going on. But what you write above makes no sense. You say, "(wont turn over) (wants to start) by (wont stay running)" If it won't turn over, how does it want to start, and how can it be running in the first place? Did they replace the fuel filter. If not, they should have.
If your car has the check engine on it could be your fuel pressure regulator located on your fuel rail..
Sounds like no gas is getting to the carb. Fuel pump maybe.
put gas in it!
It could be because its running out of battery
If the car was running ok before the hot wire then the is a problem with the wire connections. If you are not sure of the before condition then start with fuel pressure, and proper fire and timings.
Maybe your fuel pump is broke.
You ran the battery dead. Jump the car and let it stay running for a while so it can recharge itself
If your car won\'t start after running out of gas it could be that the fuel pump was damaged.