Something is on drawing power from the battery. Always connect the positive cable first and the negative cable last.
It would be essentially the same as connecting a battery in the car, except with longer cables. You would have to use jumper cables to extend the car battery cables. Be sure to follow ALL safety procedures. Do NOT let anyone or anything metal touch anything else except where you make the connections. Do not touch the metal connectors themselves. I assume there is no battery in the car. I will call the battery that is not in the car the "external battery". First connect the positive ("+", usually red) jumper cable to the positive car battery cable, & then the other end of that jumper cable to the positive external battery terminal. Then do the same with the negative ("-", usually black) car battery cable & jumper cable. The last thing you connect should be the far end of the negative jumper cable to the negative terminal of the external battery. When you are ready to disconnect the external battery from these cables, do so in reverse order, starting with disconnecting the negative ("-", usually black) jumper cable from the negative external battery terminal.
Remove the plastic cover.
To jump a battery is exactly the same as you would jump start any other cars in the world. 1. Connect the jumper cable positive clamp (Red color) to the positive post of the dead battery. 2. Connect the jumper cable negative clamp (Black color) to the negative post of the dead battery. 3. Connect the other jumper cable positive clamp (Red color) to the positive post of a good battery. 4. Connect the other jumper cable negative clamp (Black color) to the negative post of a good battery. 5. Start your Mercedes. 6. Reverse the 1-4 steps when the car starts successfully. Note: Step 3, and 4 could be a good strong battery, or a battery on a running car.
The proper way to use jumper cables to boost a low/dead battery: (1) one end of positive jumper cable to "dead" battery; (2) opposite end of positive jumper cable to "good" battery; (3) one end of negative jumper cable to "good" battery; (4) opposite end of negative jumper cable to GROUND on "dead" vehicle. Remove jumper cables in reverse order.
Hmmm, unless it is something new, I've never heard of a battery that will recharge itself when the engine is not running. You will either have to connect a charger to it or jump-start the vehicle. To jump-start, follow these directions to avoid any sparks and cause possible damage to the electronic components: 1. Connect one end of the positive jumper cable to the positive post of the "DEAD" battery. 2. Connect the other end of the positive jumper cable to the positive post of the "GOOD" battery. 3. Connect one end of the negative jumper cable to the negative post of the "GOOD" battery. 4. Connect the opposite end of the negative jumper cable to GROUND on the "DEAD" vehicle. Start the "GOOD" vehicle and allow to run several minutes to boost the DEAD battery. After several minutes of boosting, start the "DEAD" vehicle and allow to run a couple of minutes before disconnecting the jumper cables. To disconnect the jumper cables, remove IN REVERSE ORDER of connection.
1. Connect one end of positive cable to "dead" battery post. 2. Connect opposite end of positive cable to "good" battery post. 3. Connect one end of negative cable to "good" battery post. 4 Connect opposite end of negative cable to ground (not battery post) on "dead vehicle. After "dead vehicle starts, allow to run at least three minutes before disconnecting jumper cables. Disconnect the jumper cables in the opposite of connection: 1. neg cable from "dead" ground. 2. neg cable from "good" batt post 3. pos cable from "good" batt post. 4. pos cable from "dead batt" post. If you follow the recommended procedure, you will minimize the risk of "frying" the computer.
Remove - battery cable Remove + battery cable from battery and starter solenoid Route new cable following original routing Connect to starter solenoid Connect to + battery terminal Connect - battery cable
A cable booster also known as a jumper cable is used to connect with a discharged battery to a power source to jump start the vehicle. This is used when your vehicle can't start up.
To hook up jumper cables, attach one cable from the negative post on one battery to the negative post on the other battery. (These usually are marked "-" and have a blacl cable attached to them.) Attach the other jumper cable from the positive post on one battery to the positive post on the other battery. (These usually are marked "+" and have a red cable attached to them.)
Connect the Positive + battery cable to the positive + battery post first. Then connect the Negative - cable to the negative - battery post.
Disconnect the cable from the LeSabre battery. Follow the route of the cable and disconnect the other end. Pull the cable out, then fit the new cable in the same direction. Connect the non battery end, then connect to the battery.
Always connect the positive (RED) cable first.