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car battery's are filled with a special acid electrolyte which is 65% water however if the level drops it is ok to top them up with distilled water the water doesn't turn to acid it just mixes with the acid

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Q: Why does water change to acid in batteries?
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Vw gti change battery water?

No, you don't ever change battery water. Batteries have hydrochloric acid in them, not water, even though you use water to top them off. Do not mess with the acid in your battery. You should always use distilled water to fill your batteries.

Which type of acid is used car batteries?

Around 35% Sulfuric Acid & 65% Distilled water.

What is amino acid that is in batteries?

the amino acid in the batteries is NH3+

Are lead acid batteries installed in cars in factories?

no lead acid batteries are not installed in factories only acid batteries are!!

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Is it good idea to replace acid and water in batteries

Can you add acid-water mixture to heavy duty batteries?

Normally, you only add distilled water.

What do automobile batteries contain?

Common automobile batteries are Lead/acid (dilute sulphuric acid) batteries.

Is regular battery acid the same for golf cart batteries?

If you mean regular battery acid like the batteries in automobiles, then yes, it is. Oh, and some of us use the term electrolyte instead of battery acid. It's a mixture of water and sulfuric acid.

What acid is found in batteries?

Most car batteries contain Sulphuric acid.

What percentage sulphuric acid is used in car batteries?

35%sulphuricacid 65%water

Types of electrolytes use in car batteries?

Most auto batteries contain a mixture of 65% Distilled Water and 35% Sulfuric Acid.

How do you replenish acid in batteries?

On standard unsealed lead-acid batteries, just unscrew the caps and refill if needed. This cannot be done on sealed lead-acid or gel cell lead-acid batteries. Dry cell batteries don't contain acid.