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Sound needs air because sound is the traveling of vibrations from one atom to another atom. In the vacuum of space, there are no gas particles or atoms for vibrations to travel through, which means there is no sound. Air has atoms in it (oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen atoms for the most part) that vibrations can travel through so we can hear sound so we do not have to press our ears to every object to hear its sound.

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Q: Why does sound need air?
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Why do we need air to talk?

we need oxygen because air carries the sound waves.

Why are sound waves longitude?

They need not be longitudinal; but in the case of the sound we usually hear (in air) this is due to the fact that air is a gas.

What does the speed of sound need?

A medium, usually air.

What does the musician need to do to produce a sound?

Air && an instrument (;

Why is the speed of sound quicker in a vacuum rather than in air?

There is no sound in a vacuum, you need a medium to translate the sound in. Waves on a pond are like sound waves in the air, in this case the water is the medium. Without air there is no sound because there is no medium to translate the sound to your ears.

Can sound travel through a room with no air?

No, sound cannot travel through a room with no air because sound waves need a medium, such as air, water, or a solid, to propagate. Without a medium, there is nothing for the sound waves to travel through.

Do you need air to have sound?

It doesn't have to be air, but some medium for the wave to travel through, since it is mechanical.

Do you need air for sound to travel?

Sounds are pressure waves - and they need something (medium) to compress and rarefy. Air is one medium, but water, steel, rock and most other substances can have sound waves.In vacuum there is nothing, no medium, so no sound can travel.

Why is the speed of sound slower then the speed of light?

The sound needs a medium to be transported. Without that medium (vacuum) there is no sound. The sound is blocked by air mulecules. The light does not need a medium.

Why do you need sound?

We need sound to send information to our ears and brain. Sound is produced when an object vibrates. The air molecules around the object also vibrate. As long as vibrating objects are not in a vacuum they produce sound. So watch your ears.

What type of sound will made a plant grow?

none.they need sunlight,water,and air

What is Loud sound when turn on car air conditioner?

Seems Compressor need to be changed.