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It is probably a wheel bearing if it only does it while moving.

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Q: Why does a car make roaring noises while driving?
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What would make my 92 Honda accord have a roaring noise while driving?

Remove the muffler

Can struts make a roaring noice while driving?

no--bearings and tires are the most likely cause of roaring--esp if it gets louder as you roll faster

What would make a truck have a roaring noise while driving it over 10mph and the noise increases as you go faster?

the wheel bearing on the vehicle will make a roaring noise when you accelerate the faster you go the louder it gets

What makes a car squeal when sitting still and make a ringing noise when driving?

Most likely it is a belt on your car. Usually the squeeling is from a loose belt while idling and will also make noises while driving.

What causes a car to make rattling noises while driving?

bearings old tires shock observers steering wheel

What will make a car make a grinding or roaring noise while driving when the accelerator is pressed and when let off it but not while cruising?

it may be the drive shaft u-joints if its rear wheel drive

Do hybrid cars make loud noises while driving?

No, in full electric mode which some can do up to 60+ mph, they are almost silent.

Why does car make roaring sound in back while driving?

Sounds like a drive train problem or perhaps a wheel barring issue, depending on your vehicle.

Why would a LPG dual fuel vehicle make banging noises particularly when you switch fuels while driving?

The difference in combustion: you shouldn't change while under power:

What would make a roaring sound in the front passenger side on a 98chevy blazer ls 4 wheeldrive?

If the roaring sound Changes with speed it could be a bad wheel bearing. If the noises changes with braking check the pads.

Does a Siberian tiger make any noises?

Siberian tigers do make some sounds. Two such sounds are growling and roaring. Like all big cats, tigers can't purr.

What kind of noises does the older Volvo make?

Apart from some wind noise when driving, none