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"Sparking" When Connecting a Battery

When sparks occur on connecting a battery [IF the cables are connected to the proper terminals and in the proper order] is an indication that some of the electricity using devices [clock, computers, etc.] in the vehicle's electrical system are drawing electrical current.

IF the battery cables are being connected properly, this sparking is normal, causes no damage, and is nothing to be concerned about.

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Q: Why does a car battery spark even after you connect the positive cable first?
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Which battery cable to you re connect first?

Always connect the positive (RED) cable first.

How do you hook back up a car battery?

Connect the Positive + battery cable to the positive + battery post first. Then connect the Negative - cable to the negative - battery post.

When you charge a battery do you connect positive or negative first?

The man said it Always connect the positive + cable first to the battery. Then connect the negative- cable to the engine somewhere. Never connect the negative cable to the battery itself. Batteries vent hydrogen gas and which can ignite with the slightest spark. For this reason never, ever, connect the negative first and never connect the negative to the battery.

Which battery cable to you re-connect first?

connect the positive first, the negative. the negative cable doesnt spark as much

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Connect the positive first and negative last.

What cable do you connect when installing a battery?

connect positive first then negative that is the safe way to do it

What cable to you connect first when installing a car battery?

red or positive

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Something is on drawing power from the battery. Always connect the positive cable first and the negative cable last.

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Positive. Always remove the negative cable first and connect the negative cable last.

Where are jump start terminals Mercedes elegance?

The battery post positive terminal is where you connect the positive cable. Connect the negative cable to anyplace on the engine or chassis. Connect positive first and remove it last.

Which cable do you remove first on battery of Nissan 2004 Sentra?

The negative cable is removed first, then the positive. To re-connect, the positive goes first, then the negative.

How do you hook up your car battery?

Connect negative (-) black cable first. Then connect positive (+) cable last. You will see a + and a - next to the posts. Hook up positive first, negative last.