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The door is a solid object and therefore it atoms are held together very tightly so they cannot move easily.

The air surrounding the door is made up of large molecules and atoms that move freely as a gas.

The speed of sound travelling through solid is greater than it does through air.

The key word here is THROUGH. In our situation the sound is passing FROM air TO the door and THEN to air again. As sound is a wave it reflects and refracts much like light does at boundaries between different medium.

As the sound wave hits the solid door some of the energy is reflected back and some is absorbed through the door. This energy is still travelling as a sound through the door, as it hit the next surface (air again, as it leaves the door surface) air, the sound is scattered once more before reaching our ears.

So the energy of the sound wave we started with has reduced greatly which our ears resolve as a lower volume.

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Q: Why do you close a door to keep the sound out?
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How does closing a door keep the sound out?

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