A bad ground wire will cause your instrument panel gauges to bounce up and down. The ground wire can be loose or it can be corroded.
jump a hot wire downt to it with it running with gauges on it and read the readings.
check your alternater
Usually when the gauges jump around there is some kind of computer problem. Your problem can lie in the body control module or in the ECM. Without looking at it, that is a tough call. The instrument cluster could be bad too. Those are the things I would check first.
the plug in the back of the guage cluster is loose
did you do a car to car jump or a portable jumper box? on cadillacs you shouldn't do car to car jumps do to there's a chance it'll mess up you computer system. vonshay_m2002@yahoo.com
Splitting the ear lobe occurs when you jump up too far in gauges. Example would be trying to get a 2g to fit into a 14g hole.
C. Temperature and Sanitizer Gauges
Check the gauges. One or more of the gauges must be out of normal range to trip the "check gauges" light.
The check gauges light means that one of the gauges is out of the safe range.
with a full tank of gas the gauge will drop to "E" then after a few seconds it will jump back to correct reading.
yes he does wear gauges