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Bio fuels are considered carbon neutral because they give off the same amount of carbon when burned that they absorb while growing. So, unlike fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas), they don't pollute the environment by adding extra CO2 to the atmosphere.

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Q: Why are biofuels considered to be carbon neutral?
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How are biofuels not carbon neutral?

Biofuels are carbon neutral.Bio fuels are considered carbon neutral because they give off the same amount of carbon when burned that they absorb while growing. So, unlike fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas), they don't pollute the environment by adding extra CO2 to the atmosphere.

Why are biofeuls described as carbon neutral?

Biofuels are considered carbon neutral because the carbon dioxide released when they are burned is equal to the amount of carbon dioxide the plants absorbed while growing. This creates a closed carbon cycle, where the carbon emitted is offset by the carbon absorbed during photosynthesis, resulting in no net increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels.

Why do biofuels not contribute to global warming even though burning biofuels releases carbon dioxide?

Biofuels are considered carbon-neutral because the carbon dioxide released during combustion is offset by the carbon dioxide absorbed when the plants used to produce biofuels are growing. This creates a closed carbon cycle, unlike fossil fuels that release additional carbon stored underground for millions of years.

Are bio-fuels good?

Yes because they do not add polluting carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, causing global warming. (They release carbon dioxide that was recently removed from the air, so biofuels are carbon-neutral.)

Why are biofuels important?

Biofuels are important because they are a renewable resource, whereas there are limited reserves of carbon based fuels. Biofuels are also responsible for fewer carbon dioxide emissions.

What is produced when biofuels are burned?


Why are bio fuels not completely carbon neutral?

Biofuels are not completely carbon neutral because of the entire lifecycle of their production process, which includes land use change, transportation, and processing. Emissions can also be released during harvesting, transportation, and processing of the raw materials used to produce biofuels. Additionally, the energy used in the production process and the impact of land-use changes can contribute to greenhouse gas emissions.

Are biofuels a renewable energy resource?

Yes. Biofuels are various kinds of vegetable mass, including vegetable oil. When the vegetation grew (usually in the past year), it removed carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Now, when the biofuel is burnt, it releases the same carbon back into the atmosphere. This makes it carbon-neutral. Because the vegetation can all be grown again, it is counted as renewable.

Why carbon monoxide is neutral?

Carbon monoxide is considered neutral because it has one oxygen atom and one carbon atom, resulting in a balanced charge of zero. Its equal number of protons and electrons make it electrically neutral.

How do biofuels lower carbon emissions?

The steady increase in carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere come from our use of fossil fuels. If we were able to stop using fossil fuels, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere would stop rising. Biofuels are a partial answer, because by using biofuels you are reducing our use of fossil fuels.

Why aren't most bio fuels carbon neutral?

Most biofuels are not carbon neutral because the process of producing them often involves emissions from land use change, agricultural practices, and the use of fertilizers and pesticides. Additionally, the energy required to cultivate, harvest, and process the crops for biofuel production can contribute to greenhouse gas emissions.

Do Bio Fuels release sulfur dioxide?

No, biofuels do not release sulfur dioxide when burned because sulfur is not present in their composition. This makes biofuels a cleaner alternative to traditional fossil fuels which do emit sulfur dioxide when burned.