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Q: Who was the first person to create a car with an Internal Combustion Engine?
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Who was the very first person to invent the internal combustion engine?

who was the first person to invent the internal combustion engine

Who was the first to patent a working internal combustion engine?

Karl Benz was the first person to patent internal combustion engine.

Who was father of you i c engine?

French scientist Rudolf Diesel was the person who invented the first internal combustion engine. Diesel ran his first prototype for the internal combustible engine in Augsburg, Germany, in August 1893.

Why does your firebird not have any fire?

That is just a sad remark, it proves you to be a truly stupid person. ALL motor vehicels have fire, that is what makes an internal combustion engine.

Who is Joseph Gammell?

Joseph Gammel is a person nobody knows anything about, except that he invented the supercharge system for internal combustion engines.

Who was the black person to create a steam engine for a warship?

it was Benjamin Bradley.

What are some small explosions that have useful purposes that the average person doesnt realize are explosions?

The power strokes occurring inside the cylinders of internal combustion engines.

Who invented the steem engine-?

Thomas Savery is the first person to create a patent for the steam engine in 1698.

5 examples of a pushing forces?

A person pushing a bookshelf across the room. A car engine pushing the vehicle forward. Wind pushing against a sailboat, propelling it forward. A person pushing a swing to make it move. A piston pushing down in a combustion engine.

Does the person create the journey or does the journey create the person?

the person does create the journey and the journey does not create the person.

When a person explodes what explodes first?

When a person "explodes," such as in a violent accident or explosion, it is typically the result of intense force or pressure impacting the body, causing internal organs to rupture and potentially burst outward. In such cases, the internal organs would likely be the first components to be affected and potentially "explode" before any external parts of the body.

A person's internal promoter can have a influence?

Internal influence