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That narrows down which head needs a gasket or which side of intake needs a gasket. Check your oil for signs of water in pan.

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Q: White exhaust smoke from only one tailpipe?
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What causes no compression in only one cylinder white smoke in exhaust with water and oil under tailpipe?

Blown head gasket. Take to dealer immediately.

What is the cause of smoke from the bumper of a car?

The only way a bumper can create smoke is is it is trailing on the ground. There are no 'mechanical' parts in a bumper. The end of the tailpipe is probably located right under the bumper and what you are seeing is smoke from the exhaust system. You should have the vehicle checked out as smoke from the exhaust is usually not a good thing.

Why does your antifreeze boil in the reservior and you get white smoke out your tailpipe on a 2003 Buick centruy?

I am sorry to tell you you have the classic symptom of a blown head gasket. The white smoke out the exhaust is it an indication of coolant being burned in the combustion chamber. Stop driving this vehicle immediately or you will have severe engine damage. The only way to fix this problem is to replace the head gasket.

I have water running out the tailpipe of my jeep?

If you see water on start up, and it goes away this in only humidity in the exhaust system. There is no danger. If on the other hand, you continue to have water or white smoke all the time, have a pressure check on the radiator to check for leaks or blown gaskets.

What can cause white smoke from the exhaust only when car is hot you have taken the exhaust manifold and not smoke is coming from the engine this is a sr20det engine turbo coolant levels have not Chan?

have a mechanic check your turbo.most will tell u that a turbo blows black smoke but can aslso blow white smoke when turbo is malfunctioning

Why would white smoke come out of my tailpipe after changing the valve cover gasket on my 95 Nissan 200sx it only does it on highways and has also started missing never had these problems b4?

White smoke from the exhaust is a symptom of coolant entering the combustion chamber. Most often caused by a cracked or warped head or blown head gasket. Stop driving this vehicle until you have this repaired or you will destroy the engine.

How do you fix your car if it's smoking?

Blue smoke? Black smoke? White smoke? from the tailpipe? from the engine? from the midpipe? at all times? only when it's first started? when under load or at idle? need a little more information here.....

White smoke coming out of exahust when warming up only?

that;s ticky Boo, if black or blue smoke not ok that is condensation that accumulated in the exhaust system evaporating

Why does my SUV have white smoke coming out of the exhaust only when i start it though?

Could be a crack head gasket, white smoke is not good, could be radiator fluid getting onto your heads, burning off creating the white smoke, that is what happened to my altima it cost right at $1k

Civic white exhaust smoke only on start up?

White smoke is from water getting into the cylinders. If this only occurs at start up the head gasket probably weeps into the cylinder. The gasket will probably get worse until the gasket gets replaced.

You just put gas treatment in your car and it started smoking white smoke out of the tailpipe would the treament have anything to do with the smoke?

If you are talking about gas treatment poured in the gas tank, and you only poured in one can, the answer is no. White smoke from the tail-pipe is normally an indication of a blown head gasket. Stop driving the car until you have this looked at.

Why would white smoke come from the tailpipe of a new car that only has 600 miles?

could be too much oil in the reservoir. It's new and under warranty. Take it back to the dealer and let them fix it. BTW, some white smoke at start-up is normal. It is condensation evaporating.