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mild steel is heavier

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Q: Which is heavier stainless steel or mild steel?
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Who is more costly mild steel or stainless steel?

stainless steel

Is lead heavier than stainless steel?

Lead is much heavier than stainless steel.

Is copper heavier than stainless steel?

no, steel is heavier

What is the main advantage of using stainless steel instead of mild steel?

Many stainless steels are stronger than mild steel. Stainless steel is also corrosion resistant to many different environments where mild steel is not.

Is mild steel inlcudes stainless steel?

No, mild steel is low carbon steel with no other alloys.

How much heavier is a stainless steel microwave?

Some of the older stainless steel microwaves can be a bit heavier than conventional microwave. However they have developed stainless steel microwaves that are made with a lighter stainless steel casing making them less heavy.

Is mild steel better than stainless steel?

Per the attached related link, the density (hence weight) of stainless is slightly more than the mild carbon steel. Using about 8.03/7.84 ratio of density, for the same volume of material the stainless will weigh 2.4 % more.

What is MS or SS steel?

M.S. = mild steel S.S. = stainless steel

Is stainless heavier than mild?

almost its same

How can identify Mild steel and stainless steel?

steel it self means the carbon percentage and according to which we have to specify them. mild steel contain low C% nearly 0.3-0.6% is called mild steel. stainless steel having higher C%&Cr is added to not corde

What are three different types of steel?

stainless steel, mild steel, high density steel

How you name the different types of steel?

Tool steel. Mild steel. Steel construction. Stainless steel.