Describe the location of the fuse box on a 1988 325i BMW convertible?
A/C does not blow cold
In the glove compartment fuse box, its fuse position #30 and its a 20 amp fuse.
under the hood on drivers side
is there any fuse for cigarette lighter? is there any fuse for cigarette lighter for 1989 325i?
The main relay switch is located near the fuse box, on your 2001 BMW E46 325i. The relay and the fuse box are located under the hood of the engine compartment.
The air conditioner fuse in a 2001 BMW 325i is located in the fuse bank below the steering wheel under the dash. The air conditioner fuse is in position 20 from the left. Count every space whether it has a fuse or not because position 8 and 19 are empty spaces.
I have 1990 BMW 325 i and I can not close tboth doors.I need to locate where the fuses are
Its the 30 amp green fuse. 3rd or 4th bottom left. Second row.
Consult your owner's manual for the location and identification of fuses.
The 1992 BMW's 325 window fuse can be found in the fuse box. The fuse box is located below the dashboard. The location of the window fuse will be listed on the inside cover of the fuse box.