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bottom of the radiator either on the right or left.

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Q: Where is the valve to drain the radiator on a 2002 Buick century?
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Where is the valve to flush the raidator on a Buick century 1999?

The flush valve for the radiator on a 1999 Buick Century is located on the bottom of the radiator near the vehicle's frame. When it is loosened, the coolant will slowly drain from the vehicle.

Where is the radiator drain plug on a Buick century?

I cannot speak for all models, but my 1989 Buick Century has a drainage valve located near the bottom of the radiator on the driver side of the car, and can sometimes require pliers to open. It's usually easiest to look for it from under the car...

Where is the radiator drain cock on a 2002 buick century?

You may not have one. Even if you do, you don't want to use it. They get brittle and crack when opened. Then they won't reseal and you have to run to the auto parts store and hope they have a replacement valve in stock. Just remove the lower radiator hose to drain the radiator.

How do you drain your baseboard radiators?

If there is no drain valve at the radiator you can drain the system at the drain valve on the boiler

How do you find the radiator drain valve on your radiator on a 2001 Monte Carlo SS?

radiator drain valve is located at the bottom of the radiator, there is an access hole through splash guard.

Where do you drain the coolant for a 1997 Buick LeSabre Limited?

I'm not sure about the limited but on my custom the drain is on the bottom right of the radiator when you're facing the car from the front. There's a twist valve on it.

Where is the radiation drain for mustang gt 2004?

The radiator drain is on the bottom of the radiator. It is a small petcock valve.

How to drain radiator in 99 Ford Expedition?

To drain the radiator on a 1999 Ford Expedition, place a bucket under the radiator. Unscrew the radiator drain hose or valve on the bottom of the radiator. Remove the radiator cap.

Where is the drain valve on a 2000 Explorer Sport?

The oil drain valve on a 2000 Ford Explorer Sport is located near the rear of the oil pan. The radiator drain petcock is located at the bottom the radiator.

How do you drain the radiator in a dodge diesel?

There is usually a drain valve on the bottom of the radiator, but taking the bottom hose off will do the trick.

Where is the radiator valve on 1990 cutluss?

Drain plug? Either at the bottom or rear of radiator

Where is the radiator drain valve on your 2004 Chevy Avalanche?

A 2004 Chevy Avalanche does not have a radiator drain. The front of the vehicle needs to be raised, then the bottom radiator hose disconnected to drain into a pan.