where is the restraints control module located on an 08 ford escape hybrid
In the center console
The two lower (carpeted) side panels on the shift column are removed and it's located just forward of the shifter on the floor.
The passenger airbag sensor in a 2008 Chevrolet Cobalt is typically located underneath the passenger seat. It is responsible for detecting the presence and weight of a passenger to determine whether to activate the airbag.
in the steering collum behind the steering wheel
underneath the battery
The day time running light module is located behind the dashboard. The module, can be found on the drivers side of the dashboard.
It is inside the tank, part of the pump module.
The 2008 Ford Escape OBD 2 port is under driver side dash left of steering column
passanger side firewall under hood
You have a defective airbag. You replace that bag.
Prototype This - 2008 Wearable Airbag 1-9 was released on: USA: 10 December 2008