Back of the engine, next to the distributor.
Back of the engine, next to the distributor
Behind carb. at rear of motor with little wire going to it.
The manual shows it is on the top rear of the engine, next to the distributor cap.
The oil pressure sensor on a Dodge Caliber is under the intake manifold on the front of the engine.
The oil pressure sensor is on the oil cooler, under the intake manifold.
Back of the block, next to the distributor.
it is the oil pressure sensor. Check your oil level, then test your oil pressure sensor.
An oil pressure sensor socket.An oil pressure sensor socket.
Back of the engine, next to the distributor.Back of the engine, next to the distributor.
Erratic oil pressure is usually caused by a bad oil pressure sensor.
It's on the top rear of engine next to the distributor.