The fuel pump relay can be found mounted to the cowl on the drivers side, if you suspect a problem, check for a loose electrical connection; no other service is possible, except replacement. The fuel pump relay is the relay on the left, the one on the right is the A/C relay.
Yes, it has a fuse and a relay. Look in the fuse/relay center under the hood.
Could use this today I am dorpping ,tankWhat fuse or relay controls fuel pump 1993 voyager where's it located
In the fuse/relay center under the hood.
the fuel pump relay is usually located under the hood in a plastic fuse center. the relay will be labled.
Under the hood in the fuse/relay center.
Its located under the hood in the fuse box, mentioned that EFI ( fuse and relay ).
can a fuel relay fuse make car not start? If the fuse or the relay is bad, yes.
on the fire wall under relay center this is the fuel pump fuse injector fuse is in the fuse block injector a if any at all what is the problem any whay.
The fuel pump relay may be in the engine compartment relay box located on the wall around the battery not sure about fuel pump fuse.
Fuel pump relay is at the top right in the under hood fuse box. It's green colored
Fuse box under hood.
The fuel pump relay lives in the drivers side foot well, above the fuse box you'll 2 relays 1square one (main relay) and one round one (fuel pump) Good luck