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Q: Where is the fuel pump relay located on a 2003 kia rio rs?
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In the fuse & relay center under the hood.

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On a 2003 Mercury Sable : In the Power Distribution Box ( which is " live " ) located in the front of the engine compartment by the battery ( # 30 is the fuel pump relay ) Also , # 16 is a 20 amp mini fuse for the fuel pump relay

Where is the fuel pump relay on chevy s10 2003?

It would be found in the relay center located under the hood.

Where is the Fuel pump relay located on 2003 Chevrolet impala?

The Fuel Pump *''Relay''* identified as FUEL PUMP and the Fuel Pump Relay *''Fuse''* identified as F/PMP RLY are in the Underhood Fuse Block (Upper). See page 5-98 of your "Owner's Manual" for details.....

Where ia the Fuel pump relay on a 2003 gmc Yukon XL?

The Fuel Pump relay on this vehicle is located in the under the hood fuse block. It is labeled "F/pump" or something like that. It is next to "Prime". It is not in the fuel tank. It is a relay, not a fuse.

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The fuel pump relay is located on the right of the fuse panel. The dashboard has to be removed before the fuel pump relay is seen.

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in the engine bay fuse box.

How do you remove 2003 Ford Explorer fuel pump relay switch?

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Does the 2005 pt crusier have a fuel pump relay?

A 2005 PT Cruiser does have a fuel pump relay. They have a fuel pump relay rather than a fuel pump switch. The fuel pump relay is located in the fuse box.